Since You've Been Gone
Author: Morgan Matson
Date Published: May 6, 2014
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
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Author: Morgan Matson
Date Published: May 6, 2014
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
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The Pre-Sloane Emily didn't go to parties, she barely talked to guys, she didn't do anything crazy. Enter Sloane, social tornado and the best kind of best friend—the one who yanks you out of your shell.
But right before what should have been an epic summer, Sloane just… disappears. No note. No calls. No texts. No Sloane. There’s just a random to-do list. On it, thirteen Sloane-selected-definitely-bizarre-tasks that Emily would never try… unless they could lead back to her best friend.
Apple Picking at Night? Okay, easy enough. Dance until Dawn? Sure. Why not? Kiss a Stranger? Um...
Getting through Sloane’s list would mean a lot of firsts. But Emily has this whole unexpected summer ahead of her, and the help of Frank Porter (totally unexpected) to check things off. Who knows what she’ll find?
Go Skinny Dipping? Wait ... what?
In a well-ordered universe, I would love this book and vigorously shove it down on anyone's throat, er.... I mean must-read-ASAP list. And I guess I'm living in one right now. Trust me, I rarely do that. This is the kind of book that has every element of wonderful and versatile characters and relationships. Oh, and the fluff???? I'M ALL SQUEEEEE.
“I don’t think you have to do something so big to be brave. And it’s the little things that are harder anyway.”
What struck me the most and totally pulled my heart strings was how much I could relate to the main character. There was a time that I stopped reading for a moment and muttered to myself, "Is the main character me???? Or is Morgan Matson writing a plausible story about me????? ??" And for me nothing beats a character that I could relate to. Emily is shy and she's working on it. I love that the book didn't try to transorm everything about Emily unlike the usual from shy-timid-quiet girl to everyone's-friend-and-wow-become-suddenly-hot-and-popular. Emily explored things and worked up the courage to do things out of her comfort zone but still being herself. She's more confident and braver by the end of the book. It's very important to empower women whilst not deteriorating who they are.
There's a mix of humor and amusing banters. It's the kind of book that will not bore you and will surely hold you captive 'til the end. I love how I always look forward to the interactions between Collins and Emily as well as Collins and Frank. There's also the newly found friend, Dawn, whom I felt a little iffy at first but had her fair share of the laughs and banter. I like the friendship of Emily and Sloane. We get to know more of their relationship through flashbacks. Their friendship is more one completing each other. They are basically polar opposite but they fit like jigsaw puzzle. The problem is, tt really sucks when you're the second option. That's why Emily's character resonates with me so much since I feel the same :( I'm not even second option, I'm like the fifth???? or seventh???
"Before I knew it, the conversation was just flowing without me having to try and guide it, or be aware of its every twist and turn. I was no longer thinking about what I should say. I was just going with it, letting the conversation unfold."
WHEN YOU MEET PEOPLE THAT MAKE THAT HAPPEN THEN CONSIDER YOURSELF VERY VERY VERY LUCKY. There's sexual tension but the friendship build up was the sweetest treat. It was very genuine and authentic. It didn't feel forced or rushed. Emily and Frank started from something that turned into a great friendship and evolved into something deeper that both of them couldn't deny. It's there like an elephant in the room but due to some stuff (ahem Frank's girlfriend) they both know the limitations and that added the angst. But in a nutshell, Emily and Franks's relationship is one mountain of fluff balls: tame but totally squee-some *heart eyes*

Basically the friendships in this book LOL (except for that teeny-weeny mishap between Dawn and Emily which Morgan hinted to be explored and fixed in her upcoming book this 2016. I SMELL SEQUEL LLL LL LL L L )
Aside from the friendship, there's also family dynamics that was well-portrayed. I love how Matson didn't craft perfect families, instead, she created complex family ties that exist in our society. No family is perfect, and there are mishaps that might come along the way. We can't stop it from happening, what we can do is to be strong and understanding. I like that the LIST not only involves Emily's new friend, but also includes Emily's adorable younger brother, Beckett (the Bucket lol).
THE LIST!!!! I love how random but at the same time fitting the list is. I generally love lists and anything that has to do with laying out things in a bullet or numbered manner. It makes me excited and giddy. And everytime Emily and her newly found gang cross out a number in the list, it makes me more excited!!
Overall, I highly and genuinely recommend this to everyone. It is perfect to save anyone from the impending doom of a reading slump. It is also a perfect book if you're looking for a light but very delicious read. And did I mention how pretty the book is????? COVERGASM. HARD COVER GOALS. This is pretty much me all through out the book:
ON THE OTHER NOTE: I AM STILL ALIVE. I just needed to unwind and take a break from some things I used to do. Anyway, some changes might happen in this blog soon but I am not holding my breathe for that. I miss you guys. I still want to be active in commenting, but a lot of mishaps came spiraling down lately. I think I just need more time :D I hope you guys are having a wonderful time *smooches*
I actually had issues with the MC at first since I'm completely unlike her but I eventually understood her and also ended up enjoying the book. In the beginning, I felt her to be a little needy at times but I after I "got" her, we were BFFs (:
ReplyDeleteThe friendship... oh gosh. I couldn't deal with how much these were my dreams and how much I could relate to THAT part. This book was unforgettable <3
It's THE BEST feeling when you're able to connect with the main character so much. :) I love how it sounds like Emily's development wasn't forced or pushed, and that she just grew as a character naturally.
ReplyDeleteThe romance sounds so cute! I'm worried about the girlfriend bit though, since I'm a softie and do not handle break ups well. xD
Love love love that the family relationships are imperfect but are still PRESENT. :) Fab review, Abby!
If there is one thing I really love in the book, it's good friendship! And I'm so glad that this book has a friendship-y aspect thing because I'm a sucker for those! This has been in my TBR since last year, and you just made me more excited to read it :) Emily and Frank sound so adorable! Thanks for this awesome review! (I just realized how all my sentences ended with an exclamation point, hahaha) :D
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you liked the book. After seeing everyone rave about it on the internet it took me a good six months to read it and even then I was so wary. Then I started reading and I was squeeing and smiling through the entire thing, it was the playlists that did it for me. I love playlists in books, I was sat there half the time putting the playlists onto my ipod to rock out to. Morgan Matson writes the best books, and I'm with you, socially awkward Emily was perfect because shyness I can relate to and I loved she stayed the same, she was still shy but she was brave enough to try new things. And the friendships were perfect in this book, this book was perfect in general, one of my favourite reads.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, YEAH ABBY! YOU'RE BACK! I'm so glad you're back - I've missed reading your wonderful reviews and discussion posts!
ReplyDeleteSecond, I completely agree with everything you've said in this review. I loved how we got flashbacks of Emily and Sloane's friendship, and I loved Emily's character growth too. And her romance with Frank was super sweet! Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous review! ♥
I've been wanting to read it since all the positive reviews started popping up everywhere, so bought it in January...and haven't read it, haven't had the time, but next time I read a "me" book, it's going to be it. Haha, sounds like she's very relatable, and that's probably the best compliment to an author. :) And realistic character growth!
ReplyDeleteI love banter, seriously, love, love, love banter and and focuses on friendship and relationship dynamics and family dynamics, THANK YOU. I mean, it sounds like it's realistically portrayed, families aren't perfect, they're flawed, that's life, I find ones that are perfect or the usual broken family homes and mothers that don't give a shit about their children, really unrealistic. I know that that happens in real life, it does, but it's like the default family in YA.
Honestly, I'll let you shove this book down my throat.
abby! ok i haven't read this yet but i'm totally upping it in my tbr since you mentioned my favorite element ever ever ever: fluff! starts from a great friendship foundation huhu ;u;
ReplyDeleteand friendship ofc and family and embracing yourself!!! really, you've gushed about this to me many times I REALLY NEED TO READ IT BC BRO(err TWIN SOULMATES??) CODE!
This sounds absolutely divine Abby! I love strong friendship based books and with the added adventure of a list, I need to grab a copy soon. I adore that it presented families in all their flawed glory, it's realistic and kudos to the author for even including the parental presence, when more often than not, most YA authors shun them completely. Wonderful review Abby and thrilled to see you back <3
ReplyDeleteWow, you must have really loved this one - I do love the sound of strong friendships in books, it sounds very different than the usual girl on girl hate. I might have to look into this one, your review does me intrigue! Beautiful post. <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections
ReplyDeleteI loved this book too! I definitely agree that Emily was really relateable. I'm one of those people who likes to sit on the sidelines (although unlike her, it's kind of because I sometimes just can't be bothered interacting with people rather than being shy lol). But YES THE ROMANCE. Slow burn/stemming from friendship is the best :D
ReplyDeleteSo much love for your review Abby!! I swear, you're the ultimate fangirl. You sure know how to convince a reader ;) I've only read one book from this author and I loved it so idk why I haven't read this book yet. But soon is the word. Thanks to your review ;) <3 <3
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you liked this book, Abby! I thought it was such a lovely read in all aspects ^.^
ReplyDeleteI had a few issues with Emily and how she was always down on herself, but overall I really liked her transformation from thinking she wasn't anything without Sloane to knowing that she's pretty awesome, too.
The romance was GORGEOUS, even if I wasn't a huge fan of the fact that Frank had a girlfriend. But I think that that aspect was handled really well.
Yaaaas I am so glad that you loved this one as well, hun! The friendships are absolutely gorgeous and it's a brilliant summery read in general. WAIT. A SEQUEL? HOLY HECK YES PLEASE. GIMMEH.
ReplyDeleteLoved the review, dear <33
YAY! I'm so glad you loved this book. Morgan Matson is an AMAZING author, isn't she? I think I'll read practically anything she'll write. And loved the review, by the way. You're absolutely hilarious and full of personality.
ReplyDeleteJulia Anne @ Peach Print
I'm glad to see that you loved this one so much! I actually just bought a copy of it and can't wait to read it. I love that it has playlists in it because I'm a massive music fan! I love your blog design. Great review! :)
ReplyDeleteKrystianna @ Downright Dystopian
I've been waiting for this book for so long. Now I can finally buy it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment! ♡ Happy reading to everyone!