Each year passes by and the one musing that I always thought: It has been a year? The Christmas season is done, and now we're about to welcome the start of 2017. But before the year ends, I want to look at the year memories and adventures I had for 2016.
The year 2016 has been one of the most exciting and exhausting years of my life. Yes, exhausting. Exhausting in terms of academics and social events, but life always has its plan to bring joys to counter any less than happy events in my life. This year I have so much to be thankful for.
I would like to share my experiences with my college friends whom I learnt and had fun with. This is my 2016 photo academic dump post, also this a way to preserve the memories.
COLLEGE EDITION. Some of the major accomplishment I had this year.
- Survived the hell-est week of my college life so far (10th week of 2nd term). It was probably the most exhausting since the projects and defenses were all over the place.
- These 1 defense done with minor revision. Thank you to my groupmates and advisers.
- First ever academic scholarshipppp!!! I was more than elated 🙏😍😄
- Communication track 1 ✨ Communication lecture and laboratory 1-3 done ✨
- Passed the Electronics Exit Exam 😍
- Electronics Design done 😁

Thesis 1 defense with Sir Balbin and Sir Cardenas. Holla, groupmates ♥
EECE night '16 @ Le Pavilion
Pig Out + Bonding After a Stressful Term
HSM Christmas Party ✨
Lucky Chinatown Adventures
Spur of the moment swimming term ender!
Ramen @ Eras ✦
Almost one week stay-cation in our home because of COE121 & Cisco design. We were supposed to study and wake up at ****3 am**** Oh well! ✰ Team Intra wearing matchy-matchy top courtesy of James HAHA
Comm Track 1 Proto (DTMF Controlled Robot) and Traffic Lights (Tronics 3) These are only two of all the prototypes that we've done this year and the past years.
These are some of the photos that I accumulated these year. I have more to this, but these photos probably highlight our 2016. My college friends are so easy to get along with. They are ridiculously funny and jolly. All of them are very supportive and helpful in all my endeavors. I love you, TEAMECE! You guys are one of my rocks in this world ♥
Hi, everyone who've stumbled upon this post. I guess you are kind of wondering: why the hell am I following this blog? If you're following Enthralling Reads in GFC, Blogger, Bloglovin you'll probably be updated with this post. I am Abby and my blog was previously named as Enthralling Reads, but I recently revamped everything here. For my whole explanation, you can read HERE. The gist of the story is, I stripped the book blog and changed my blog name. My posts won't solely revolve around bookish stuff, but I'll also add more personal experiences and one major addition: make-ups! YAY! ♥
If you happened to stumble on this blog and new here, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! ♥ I'm Abby and I hope we can be friends 😁😁
My college life was also a roller coaster ride. So many ups and downs. But everything was so worth it! It's really something I miss right now. Sarap balikan ang college. Congrats on your achievements! Always do more :) Happy holidays!
ReplyDeleteBia S. | RoadByBia.com
Thank you for your comment! ♡ Happy reading to everyone!