2013 makes its final bow & 2014 goals

by - 1:32 AM

2013 saying goodbye? 2014 beaming at us with hello? Oh man! It's almost 2014 already, where did the time go? It feels like everything happened in a blur and I can't help but to be both amazed and scared. Everything's happening too fast.

Anyway, enough with my realizations, this post is about my 2013 book blogging experience or simply a 2013 wrap-up and my 2014 goals and resolutions! Expect a long ass post :D

The start (how lame)

I created this blog September this year. Geez. Three months already passed, I can't believe I haven't abandoned this one or been in a  long MIA. I've been blogging since 2009 through my personal blogs and earlier this year that I start to realize that I should create a personal book blog to talk about books! You see, I am more of a twitter-biased since I am a talkative person in real life and over the internet that is why twitter is really handy SNS for me. Going back, I admit that I was really anxious and iffy to start a book blog since I really have no clue on how things works for this kind of stuff, but later then I realized how fun it can be. Thank you to my very first followers & followings for making my excitement and interest escalate. A shoutout to Chel of Procrastinator's Corner!

Read. Read. Read.

A total of 90 books! Oh wow! Last year I only read almost 40-50 books and now I almost doubled it! I am a sucker for YA fantasy and dystopian books. This year I've discovered a lot of good series and standalone books. I also discovered new authors and also read books from popular authors. I believe my most memorable/favorite reads for this year have to go with the "made me bawl like a baby and ripped my heart into gazillion pieces" kind of books. An honorable mention for Champion by Marie Lu, Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare, Pivot Point by Kasie West & The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan. To all the NA books that I liked and loathed, hey guys you all been part of my 2013 reading journey! Give it up for Tangled by Emma Chase & Bully by Penelope Douglas. OMG. Looking back to the books I've read, I can't help but to be so damn happy and nostalgic. Books really made this year (every year) a very rapturous one!

On my blog

Hey guys! Yes you! To anyone who's reading this, thank you for making up the time to visit my blog or comment on any post I made. You guys are all awesome! In the 3 months span of my book blogging I've discovered and met a lot of awesome people already. To mention some, Jackie @ Bookcharmed, Cait & Mime @ The Notebook Sisters, Kelly @ Effortlessly Reading, Aman @ Enticed by Books, Chel @ hello-chelly, Samantha @ Adventures of a bookworm, Steph @ Hopeless Romantics, Elyssa&Anne @ Two Ends of a Bookshelf, Nina @ Sea of Pages, Marie @ The Moody Reader, Pamela @ Reading is Fun, Ashley @ Nose Graze, Jamie @ The Perpetual Page Turner, Hazel @ Stay Bookish and a lot lot lot more! To all the lovely GFC & bloglovin' followers, thank you all! (oh cow I think I am making a blogversary post HAHA) And also I joined bookblogging which is a very cool and convenient site for book bloggers. I posted my mini/random post and my very first discussion and I was more than delighted to see a handful of people who responded. It made my heart swell in joy, I swear! I completed and surpass my goodreads goal of 50 books! Yipee. And lastly, I posted 46 reviews for this blog and I got responses on them which really made me happy.
(And I also changed my template for like 10 times and my header for 40 times; not exaggerating and sorts)

Movies & Draaaamas.

HA. City of Bones really made an impact on this aspect. I both liked it and didn't like it but who cares I still like it. With the perfect cast who won't like it? Catching Fire! Oh thank goodness for this movie. Seriously it was damn good and man, Sam Clalfin, how dare you ruined my life in a span of 2 hours *raises brows* BELIEVE 2D of Justin Bieber! I am actually a bieber fan since 2009 (dont judge pls :D). I really liked this compared to Never Say Never and I admit that I shed tears while watching the movie. MAN I WAS MOVED!I also watched The Host although I haven't read the book yet. I liked it mainly because of Jake Abel (I'm a goner when it comes to him).  Reply 1997 is a k-drama this 2013 and oh my god I CAN TOTALLY RELATE with this drama. It goes straight to my veins! Shoot me now. Rooftop Prince also was a bloody brilliant k-drama this year. I was hooked with the story line & characters! But if you're fond of k-dramas or looking for an entertainment then I recommend Reply 1997 & Rooftop Prince.

Personal matter

I went on a hiatus for almost a month and came back with rainbows and unicorns; me riding on a unicorn down the rainbow ha. My grade for second sem was good! My GWA increased as well as my grades in all subject. Uh-huh, I am still a regular student! And oh, I won an oral defense! Jeez, I can't still believe I actually made it! I have to admit that it was a distressing term gahh with all the sleepless nights and no-time-for-books months. But it all paid well! I lost 15 kgs this year. Holy freak. I am still aiming to lost 10 kgs for 2014 to meet my dream weight. Goodluck to me! :'D

Lastly, my 2014 Goals and Resoultion

This was Ashley's idea and I am not the kind of person who sets goals in my life. LOL I pretty much live my life the way I wanted it and the way events naturally happens. But since it's book blogging we're talking about, I would like to name a few goals & resolutions for the upcoming year.

2014 Goals

Read the Harry Potter series
Before you throw your wands at me, let me explain HAHA (ok this would be lame). When I was a child, my very own Harry Potter were the Pevensies of The Chronicles of Narnia, Ariel of the Little Mermaid & Alice of Alice in Wonderland. I've been a reader of these since 6 or 7 years old. I haven't had the time to ask my parents to read/buy me the HP series. I watched the first and second movie which I barely remember what is it all about. Now, I am planning to finally get my nose on its pages and start digging the world of Harry (I am not a fan of witches and sorts but I hope this series will work for me.)

Read 75+ books
My goodreads 2014 challenge will be about achieving or surpassing 75 books.

Write/publish atleast 7 discussion posts all through out the year
I really enjoy discussions, it's like bloggers are sharing a piece of themselves whenever they engange and comment on the discussion. I already have ideas regarding the topic and if I am lucky enough, I'll post one discussion per month.

Hold a giveaway for my birthday this March
I've been mulling over this. I told my sister about it and she said she'll help with the giveaway. Weeee.

Read 10 contemporary novels
I rarely read contemporary novels and this year I plan to read books which are out of my league. I checked goodreads and some of my friends' recommendations on this goal.

Reach *an idk number* of GFC/bloglovin' friends
I don't want to call you guys followers, instead I shal call you all my friends <3 I don't really mind the numbers, what's more important is I would be able to reach out to other book bloggers and talk to them more often.

2014 Resolutions

Less tweaking of my template
I really love tweaking codes and layouts, experiment there, experiment here. I want to lessen it because I lose time for books. And it really hurts my eyes and it frustrates me to no end. I hope I'll find a template that I'll tweak then I'll be contented with it foooooor a long time.

Comment on more bloggers' posts
Subscribe/follow more bloggers

THAT'S IT FOR THIS POST! I hope you guys have a happy happy and fabulous 2014!

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  1. I can't believe that you have only been running this blog for three months it seems like so much longer. My small blog is a year old today. That's hard to believe also. I love your resolutions for next year. I think it is a great way to push you towards your goals in 2014.

  2. Happy New Year Abby! Thanks for mentioning me in your post!

    Reply 1997! I still need to watch that (and Reply 1994), because I've only heard really really really great things about it. (Also, I love Eunji).

    I love your new header, and I hope you get to meet all your goals in 2014. Here's to 2014 being an even great year for the both of us. Cheers!

  3. Good luck with your goals for 2014. They sound fabulous. :)

  4. Ha. I still also haven't read the whole Harry Potter series, so we're the same. Ugh, I'm too lazy because I already saw the movies (Will you believe me if I say that I never thought Harry Potter is a book? Until I saw it on Goodreads EHRMERGHED I know right) I'm also planning on reading 75 books this year, I just hope school will not get in my way. haha

  5. Congrats on an awesome year! I read, like, a billion times more then I usually read! (Heck, I often forget to read in favour of...tweaking blog designs...lol. I know how that is!) I never read HP either. Mostly because I wasn't allowed (heh, whatever). But Narnia was my HP. And weren't the movies this year amazing?! I'm still gob smacked over the perfection of Catching Fire. And I personally loved City of Bones. The cast was...awesome. Aaaand, we'll leave it at that so I don't embarrass myself. XD

  6. HAPPY NEW YEAR! (I'm four days late but still it counts) It is so nice to meet you too :) I look forward to talk more this year. If you need anymore contemporary recs let me know. I love contemporary! I've only been blogging for a short while as well, three months & it has been so fun. I hope you meet all your 2014 goals! :)


Thank you for your comment! ♡ Happy reading to everyone!