I AM BACK yeaaaahhh

by - 9:25 AM

I AM BACK! Finals is over! Hello, holiday/term break!!!!!

OMG. It's been a while. I did post an entry about me going on a hiatus and I really took that seriously. This semester was damn hectic and hard. Budgeting time, working your ass off for projects, a lot of oral defense and presentation & brain-racking exams (note brain-racking hahaha nah kidding). I admit that I barely had a time for myself and even for my social networking sites. In this book blog, I only posted 3 book related stuff for the whole month! Say what? 
Usually, I can atleast have 18 posts to squeeze in every month, but for December........ Oh well, FINALS is over and I have two weeks to pamper myself with my books & (food and sleep). The horror of my eyebags, they officially turned into eye luggage. HAH. I have two personal things to share: I won an oral defense and I lost weight!! I prepared so damn hard for that oral defense and it paid off. My mom was even angry at me when she woke up in the middle of the night and seeing me still awake at 3-4 am. Sleepless nights all paid off! And for the weight loss, although it's really that trivial lost, I can say that an 8 pound lost for only a month without even trying to resume my tae bo exercise is a great deal. Hell-o, stress. Hell-o. 
^ Me right now. Partying in front of my laptop while drinking my favorite chocolate drink and blasting will i am's #thatPower ft. Justin Bieber. I'M ALIVE I'M ALIVE I'M ALIVE (suits me right lmfao). I'll post a personal post regarding my second term experience in my personal blog. If you want to check it out, it'll be up soon.

And look what I got for todaaaaay! I LITERALLY SCREAMED WHEN I SAW MY CAMP HALF-BLOOD SHIRT BLOODY LYING ON MY BED YAY THANKS @thedreamshirt && BOUGHT MYSELF CHAMPION AND UNDER THE NEVER SKY WEEEPPEEEE!!! (do u feel my happiness right now hah hahahha) + the ribbon that I bought for today. I am actually wearing it right now while typing this. KAWAII.

What's up for this blog?

I already joined a 2014 series challenge and if you're interested you should join too! Here is the actual post of read. sleep. repeat. Goodluck to everyone joining! Next are my 2013 summary posts. That includes Book and Writing Insanity by Cait & Mime of Notebook Sisters && 2013 End of Year Book Survey by Jamie of The Perpetual Page-Turner. I am planning to do these a week before 2013 ends.

That's it for this post! I am still thinking of what to do right now. Actually, I don't have a clue. What. What. What. Bye :D

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  1. Yay! I'm looking forward to your coming-up posts! :) Congrats on being on holidays...wooooot! And winning oral defence! I'm not completely sure what it is, but if it involves speaking to people, then hats off to you! (I'm so shy it's hard to talk to the postman. heh...!) XD

  2. Congrats on passing your orals defense! :)


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