Any thoughts?: Dealing with book-freaking-hangover

by - 8:35 AM

Dealing with book-freaking-hangover


When a beautiful book reached its last page and we can't help but to mope helplessly saying "please no no no no not yet." 
After closing the book there's a stunned silence wherein you look blankly on the book/series enders and realize that it's over. Over. Over. . And the days after it still feels unfathomable because we are still not over a certain book - worse a series ender. That is when book hangover hits like a bitch, I mean a tornado.

And I am like "Don't touch me dont just dooooont."
And others are like:

Right now I am on a dreading book hangover brought by Champion. (yes thank you very much Marie Lu) I can't even describe my feelings at the moment for I am still longing for more of the characters to the extent I reread the book again after 24 hours of finishing it. It's just so astonishing & wonderful I can't seem to let go YET.

I've been into the same kind of hangovers before. A lot of books already put me on this dreading situation. The longest book hangover I had was for a week? with Clockwork Princess; every book that I read after CP2 don't satisfy me enough and in the end I just choose to put those on hold for a moment and let myself loose some of the feels I had.

For a reader this kind of situation isn't foreign anymore. And I have some thoughts I want to share regarding the issue.

My biggest question: What to read next?
It seems that I've already read the best book in the world and nothing more can surpass the emotional attachment I had for the previous book I read.

Do I enjoy book hangovers?
Yes because I am a sadist. Well seriously yes, because it just proves that I read a really good book; the book/series along with the author nested a cozy place inside my heart & mind. And no because it turns me into a horrible reader sometimes. I began to compare a lot and sometimes I can't stop talking about it; I am afraid my sister / followers in social networking sites are annoyed and irked already. (I am sorry guys I cant help it)

What do I do to cure my book hangover?
Believe me it sometimes take a pretty handful of pills and some injections, worse, IV & quarantine for 106700 years. 

1. Take your time
Wait for the feels to subside. It usually takes days and worse weeks, but nothing beats the "Time heals wounds" but undoubtedly, books can give the worst kinds of wounds.

2. Read from a different genre
It will be hard to read another book with the same genre as of the one you previously read. We can't help but to compare and contrast the two novels especially in terms of the world building (coughs dystopia novels coughs) and that is such a boo boo and a low blow for your current read. It was not its fault! lol

3. Find someone to talk to
Bloggers, goodreads users, or simply just bookish people are very substantial in this manner for they can comfort you and rave with you about the book. You'll found yourself missing the book/series again, but this time a weight will be gone from the book hangover.

4. Eat
Comfort food or anything that can make you extremely happy by just devouring it to the last bite. I always eat ice creams or cakes when I am put into book hangovers and these ruin my diet HA screw diet.

I am sure as hell that Champion book hangover will hurt like a....massive ball knocking me on the face. I can already foresee it. And I am scared because I planned to pamper myself since its term break with books, but a single book will cut that into pieces.

DANIEL ALTAN WING HOW WILL I GET OVER YOU. I seriously want to fling you off a cliff!! What have you doooooooooooone.

I want to ask how do you guys deal with book hangovers? Up to how long does usually hangover last? What book/s gave you the longest book hangover? I would be really happy to read your thoughts & experiences. I might as well get more tips from you guys to help me deal with book hangovers.

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  1. lol, I love this post! Usually, when it happens to me, I read another book that's a sequel/or in a series for a book I really loved. I basically try to read really good books back to back. Recently, I finished Throne of Glass, which I enjoyed a lot, and I just started a book I'd been wanting to read for a while :)

    1. Good for you! I actually want to try this strategy you have. Sometimes it's just really hard to read another, but I'll try to read one of the books I've been meaning to read for a while. Thank you for dropping by!

  2. I finished Siege and Storm yesterday and have a book hangover! I read Angelfall immediately after and although I'm liking it I find myself thinking about Siege and Storm. I think I should have waited because I'm still not over the awesomeness that is Siege & Storm.

    All the gifs in this post are just perfect! I know my sister is most definitely over hearing about me talking about the book. I'm always afraid I'm bombarding the social media sites with too many of my feels so I tend to hold back.

    1. Eeeeep same! The next book will always feel distant although it is good. My sister always protest whenever i talk non-stop about a particular book; she's like "can you not?"

      Thanks for dropping by!

  3. This post FTW! I always, always, have a book hangover whenever I finished a series (those damn trilogies) I always get so attach to the characters and the author will (sometimes) fuck things up. Like, kill them! And I just can't frigging stand that. That's why this year I rarely read a series. I did read Veronica Roth's books although I haven't read Allegiant because I saw a spoiler, a huge spoiler, on twitter! MY LIFE IS ALREADY RUINED. And I did read Cassandra Clare's Infernal Devices and can we please talk about the epilogue and my Will? T___T I was so messed up for a few days because of Clockwork Princess. And by few days I mean one whole week! I never read a single book for one whole week! HAHA

    But, like you, I loved having book hangovers because it's a reminder that the book was reaaaally, really good to make such an impact. And I'm not always in a good mood when I have a book hangover, I'm always bitchy and moody. Hahaha

    I'm so glad you left a comment on my blog :D that's how I found this entertaining discussion post. Have a great day! xo

    1. (those damn trilogies) I KNOW RIGHT. CP2's epilogue slayed me and ripped me open I CANNOT Just the thought of /that character/ dying left me speechless and also broken I HATE IT AUTHORS PLEASE

      Hah. Bitchy yes, I rarely am bitch while on a book hangover, but most of the time I'm most talkative and I have to admit that it annoys me (yes annoying myself is one of my talents in life). HAHAHA. So glad also I dropped by your blog and saw your bloody brilliant post.

  4. Ah book hangovers. I remember when I finished the last Harry Potter book. I read it right after I came home from the midnight book release. I had to read it a second time, because I was so tired and didn't remember half of it the first time I read it. I think I ended up going back and rereading the series, because I just didn't want it to end.

    1. I know right! Rereading is sometimes a cure and a torture for it deepens the longing, but WHO CARES as long as I love what I am rereading then go for it! Thanks for dropping by!

  5. Ha! I feel your pain!!! These books are going to be the death of me. Noooooo, don't LEAVE ME in this emotional state!! Weird looks? Yup. I love your list though. I haven't really thought about intentionally reading in a different genre. Good idea! I had a massive hangover after Allegiant (loved that book) and then I went on to read something contemporary and glitzy. So I guess that is definitely a good fix! (I still liked the glitzy book.) I also like talking to bloggers/readers about books. It helps. ;)

    1. Right now I am planning to read a contemporary book (please wish me a goodluck LOL). I haven't read Allegiant BUT someone spoiled that freaking ending. Seriously twitter peeps why love spoiling the books!!

      Thank you for dropping by! :)

  6. I haven't read Champion yet but I love the first two books and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a book hangover after it. :(

    1. Awww I was afraid to read it because I don't want it to end :( OMG Chel, tell me your thoughts after you read it. Let's rave about it!

  7. My sister is reading Champion right now! She has loved this series so much, I'm sure she'll feel similar when she's finished too =)
    I almost always feel that way after I finish a good book because the sequel is usually so far away :(

    1. Aww. Looking forward on her thoughts/review about it! :D

  8. I have yet to find something that works for me! Usually I end up not reading for a good five to seven days, which stinks because usually whenI finish one book and take a few hours to process, I am on to the next. But I don't necessarily think a book hangover like that is a bad thing because it just means that a book was so memorable and will always stick with me :)


Thank you for your comment! ♡ Happy reading to everyone!